Apps to handle FTP requests

Discover apps and services to handle FTP requests.

Handle FTP requests and serve file over FTP protocol

Best apps to handle FTP requests

For windows
Serva 32/64


Serva is an Automated PXE Server Solution Accelerator based on an all-in-one portable multi-server engine.
FileZilla Server

Open Source

FileZilla is a free software, cross-platform FTP application, consisting of FileZilla Client and FileZilla Server.

Find apps to do interesting things:

appmus feature

Remove Unwanted Apps

Scans and removes unwanted or unused apps.

appmus feature

Develop Windows Games

Develop games for windows devices.

appmus feature

Serve Videos To DLNA Capable Device.

It can serve videos to DLNA-capable device.

appmus feature

Hide IP Address

Hide your IP address while browsing and downloading anything from the internet.

appmus feature

Play Videos

Play videos including AVI, MP4, etc

appmus feature

Organize Images

Arrange and organize images